Club Forum 11 October

Club Forum 11 October

Calling all players, coaches, members, and parents to attend a Games Forum on Oct 11th @ 8pm in the Naomh Barrog clubhouse!
The purpose of this forum is to present the proposed Games and Coaching structure for the coming year. As our club grows from strength to strength, we are taking this opportunity to restructure the Games committee and Coaching committee to support and enable the continued growth and development of our players and coaches.   We will use this time to present the proposed structure, get your input/feedback and get more people involved in the running of the club (see attached).   Naomh Barrog CLG is an entirely volunteer run organisation for the benefit of our community.

This is an important meeting and we ask that you prioritise this forum so that we all work together to ensure that we have the right team and the right structure to continue the growth and success of Naomh Barrog CLG.



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